Delivery Information

  1. Delivery times are approximate and are subject to availability of the goods and the capacity of the shipping company.

  2. Delivery charges will be calculated at the time of purchase and will depend on the weight, dimensions and destination of the goods.

  3. Delivery will be made to the address specified by the customer at the time of purchase. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the delivery address is correct and can be accessed by the shipping company.

  4. If the goods are not delivered due to a fault on the part of the customer (e.g. incorrect address), the customer will be responsible for any additional delivery charges that may arise.

  5. If the goods are damaged during shipping, the customer should contact MMC GmbH immediately. The customer should retain all packaging and documentation related to the delivery for inspection by the shipping company.

  6. Any delivery dates or times provided by MMC GmbH are estimates only and are not guaranteed.

  7. MMC GmbH reserves the right to modify these delivery conditions at any time without notice.

  8. Any disputes arising from the delivery of goods will be subject to the laws of Austria and will be resolved in the courts of Vienna.